Karma Yoga is selfless service or “Seva”, it’s acting with detachment from the results of your actions; it’s giving for the joy of it, without expecting anything in return. It’s being authentic to who you truly are, it’s caring for people, animals, plants and the environment around you.

Karma yoga is smiling at a stranger and being kind (even when you are having a bad day), it’s doing your part to protect the Planet, it’s helping those in need and being grateful for so many blessings we ALL receive every day (yes, we ALL do! If you can’t seem to find the blessings in your life, try looking closer….)

“Whatever you do for your sake can be ordinary, but when you do it for the benefit of others, you are doing it for God”. 

Swami Satchidananda, The Living Gita

  •  *The Ayurvedic Clock: how to sleep better, manage weight and be more focused and creative simply aligning yourself with the Doshic clock.

    *Find out what Doshas are, and which of these Bio-energies are predominant in your body-mind constitution (and how that determines a lot of tendencies and other things about you).

    *Learn how to cook Kitchari, one of the lightest and most beloved Ayurvedic foods.

  • Offered monthly in partnership with Angelo Piovesan, a Bhakti Marga certified facilitator. **CONTACT FOR AVAILABLE DATES

Disclaimer: Thais Erthal is not a licensed medical or healthcare practitioner. The information provided is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Some herbs may not be safe for children, pregnant or nursing people, and may not be suitable for some medications and conditions. Always consult your doctor before beginning any new therapeutic or protocol including supplements, diet changes, or herbal medicine.