“Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.”
Sage Patanjali
The eight limbs of Yoga teach us to control the mind through observance of our ethical principles (Yama and Niyama), breathing exercises (Pranayama), withdrawal of senses (Pratyahara) concentration and meditation (Dharana and Dhyana). The physical poses (Asana) in addition to focusing the mind, also allow us to effectively move energy (Prana) throughout the body, bringing vitality to our cells, tissues, organs, and systems.
A regular practice of all types of Yoga (Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, Raja) guides us to access our inner consciousness (or Spirit, or soul), where infinite power resides. The control of the mind and use of poses promote immense physical, psychological and spiritual benefits, leading us closer to liberation (Samadhi) and the end of unnecessary suffering.
(in person only))
Thais’s primary style of teaching is Vinyasa (flow yoga), and her classes normally include Pranayama (breathing exercises) as well as Dharana and Dhyana (concentration/meditation) in addition to the physical aspect.
She believes Yoga is for everybody, it's just a matter of modifying each Asana (pose) to make it less or more challenging for each person. Her aim is to guide her students through asanas that are performed according to Patanjali, the father of yoga: "sthira" (stable and firm) and "sukham" (joyful and comfortable), promoting well-being that follows the Yogi off the mat.
Wednesdays and Fridays at 9am (limited space!)
(in person or online)
The one-to-one yoga work will address specific conditions and is designed to help alleviate symptoms of excessive dosha and common ailments. Ideally booked following an Ayurvedic counselling session but can also be booked without the Ayurvedic intake.
Disclaimer: Thais Erthal is not a licensed medical or healthcare practitioner. The information provided is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Some herbs may not be safe for children, pregnant or nursing people, and may not be suitable for some medications and conditions. Always consult your doctor before beginning any new therapeutic or protocol including supplements, diet changes, or herbal medicine.