

Ayurveda is the Science of Life (“veda” translates to science or knowledge and “ayu” means life) and is considered the most ancient system of medicine.

It’s a holistic, natural and self-empowering healing method that builds awareness and primarily uses ahara (food), vihara (lifestyle) and aushadhi (herbs and other modalities) to restore and keep balance in body, mind and spirit, promoting well-being and health.

“The aim of Ayurveda is to preserve the health of the healthy and to eliminate the suffering of the diseased.”

Charaka Samhita

  • What to expect: examination of tongue and pulse (if in person), evaluation of Prakruti and Vikruti, questions, lots of questions!, and suggestions or adjustments in regards to food, lifestyle, daily practices and possibly herbs.

  • After the initial visit, follow-up appointment(s) will be scheduled as needed, until the treatment is complete.

  • Not sure if Ayurveda is for you? No worries! Book a complimentary 15-minute appointment and talk to Thais about your issues and questions.


 “Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” Sage Patanjali

The eight limbs of Yoga teach us to control the mind through observance of our ethical principles (Yama and Niyama), breathing exercises (Pranayama), withdrawal of senses (Pratyahara) concentration and meditation (Dharana and Dhyana). The physical poses (Asana) in addition to focusing the mind, also allow us to effectively move energy (Prana) throughout the body, bringing vitality to our cells, tissues, organs, and systems.

A regular practice of all types of Yoga (Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, Raja) guides us to access our inner consciousness (or Spirit, or soul), where infinite power resides. The control of the mind and use of poses promote immense physical, psychological and spiritual benefits, leading us closer to liberation (Samadhi) and the end of unnecessary suffering.

  • (in person only)

    Thais’s primary style of teaching is Vinyasa (flow yoga), and her classes normally include Pranayama (breathing exercises) as well as Dharana and Dhyana (concentration/meditation) in addition to the physical aspect.

    She believes Yoga is for everybody, it's just a matter of modifying each Asana (pose) to make it less or more challenging for each person. Her aim is to guide her students through asanas that are performed according to Patanjali, the father of yoga: "sthira" (stable and firm) and "sukham" (joyful and comfortable), promoting well-being that follows the Yogi off the mat.

    Wednesdays and Fridays at 9am (limited space!)

  • (in person or online)

    The one-to-one yoga work will address specific conditions and is designed to help alleviate symptoms of excessive dosha and common ailments. Ideally booked following an Ayurvedic counselling session but can also be booked without the Ayurvedic intake.


Karma Yoga is selfless service or “Seva”, it’s acting with detachment from the results of your actions; it’s giving for the joy of it, without expecting anything in return. It’s being authentic to who you truly are, it’s caring for people, animals, plants and the environment around you.

Karma yoga is smiling at a stranger and being kind (even when you are having a bad day), it’s doing your part to protect the Planet, it’s helping those in need and being grateful for so many blessings we ALL receive every day (yes, we ALL do! If you can’t seem to find the blessings in your life, try looking closer….)

“Whatever you do for your sake can be ordinary, but when you do it for the benefit of others, you are doing it for God”. 

Swami Satchidananda, The Living Gita

  •  *The Ayurvedic Clock: how to sleep better, manage weight and be more focused and creative simply aligning yourself with the Doshic clock.

    *Find out what Doshas are, and which of these Bio-energies are predominant in your body-mind constitution (and how that determines a lot of tendencies and other things about you).

    *Learn how to cook Kitchari, one of the lightest and most beloved Ayurvedic foods.

  • Offered monthly in partnership with Angelo Piovesan, a Bhakti Marga certified facilitator. **CONTACT FOR AVAILABLE DATES


Bhakti or bhaj means "to serve God," Bhakti yoga is a practice of selfless devotion and recognition of the Divine inside us and in everything, everywhere. It is used for emotional healing, to release blockage in the heart center, to remove negative feelings and thoughts and replace them with positivity and warm sensations.

The Yoga of Devotion is motivated by a love of God rather than a fear of negative repercussions or punishment, and that’s how this practice helps us cultivate gratitude and acceptance for all beings.

We are in the Kali Yuga Era, it’s the final and darkest one, during which there is tremendous suffering and corrupted values and ethical norms, excessive materialism and little focus on spirituality. The world desperately needs Bhakti Yoga right now, so let’s pray to whoever God we believe, let’s sing songs of love, let’s chant! 

Join our OM CHANTING CIRCLE, offered monthly in partnership with Angelo Piovesan, a Bhakti Marga certified facilitator.

These events are free of charge.


Coming Soon

A message from Thais:

I will complete my Hypnosis training in April, 2025 and will be able to incorporate this amazing technique into my client’s healing journey.

The subconscious mind represents more than 95% of who we are, tapping into this otherwise untouched (or hard to touch!) part of our brain where thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, sensations, emotions, memory and behaviors originate can give us immense power over our well-being.

How incredible is it that we can communicate the right message to our mind-body and positively influence our healing process?

It’s very exciting, I can’t wait to learn more and be able to share that with you.

 “Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That’s who you truly are. Let go of the part that doesn’t believe it.” - Chris Assaad

Disclaimer: Thais Erthal is not a licensed medical or healthcare practitioner. The information provided is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Some herbs may not be safe for children, pregnant or nursing people, and may not be suitable for some medications and conditions.

Always consult your doctor before beginning any new therapeutic or protocol including supplements, diet changes, or herbal medicine.